We have conceptualized some innovative games for kids to learn maths and become friendly with numbers.

Our games are available for kids to play on Google Play Store, Apple App Store as well as a physical board game.

We believe in teach students in a fun way. Here are a few of our YouTube videos:


Gyankriti School Indore

The games are very interesting, one just can not stop playing them. We are back to our childhood days 🙂
Understanding rules of games were the most exciting part.
Do you have your facebook page, we wish to promote it among our parents too.
You are doing a great work. Best wishes.

Gadi Manoj

My niece and nephew – Riya and Anav enjoyed playing the game.
What you have done is very innovative and thoughtful.
They were interest to play and later involved while playing.
I must say you have done a very good job of re-designing the age old snake and ladder game.
I am now going to handover the game set to Mr Vinod for engaging children in his school with this game set.
The next feedback, suggestions you will hear from Vinod.
Would be keen to know your other creations at making maths fun, easy and relevant for children.

PANG Kian Tiong, PhD Senior Manager, Exhibitions

Thanks for sharing your passion and ideas.

Browsing your write-up, you have indeed adapted the Snakes & Ladders boardgame to some very creative ends.

Reminds me of Pascal’s triangle.

May I ask what you wish from Science Centre Singapore?

Do you wish feedback from us with regards to the games you designed? Or, …?

FYI: We currently have an exhibition we call FunFair Maths (FFM) which is centred around an exhibition (called Math Midway, MME) which we acquired from the National Museum of Mathematics (in NY, USA). FFM covers a wide range of Mathematics and includes simple concepts to quite profound problems, (eg: the famed NP-hard Travelling Salesman Problem). You can explore the educational material based on the MME exhibits, online.

Thanks again.

Feel free to communicate your ideas with us.

Vinod Sonawane

Respected Madam; Thanks for your participation at NSD-2018. Kindly collect your certificate for being a resource person for NSD 2018 at HBCSE, TIFR,

Sonawane V. C.